Friday, November 6, 2009

Wake Up America

This is dedicated to all of you gangsters, drug dealers, and white trash.
To all of the people who believe that bipolar disorder is a serious disease in which you can not work and must collect disability checks for.
This is to the collectors of food stamps, welfare checks, "I won't marry you because the state will stop paying me, so let's just stay together and have a few more kids to get more money" losers.
To the professional abortionists that kill babies like it's their jobs...
To the horrible parents, the horrible children...
The terrorists, the angry, the mentally dysfunctional...
To you sick pedophiles and sex offenders that think you're ok, you're just "different"
To the fuckin idiots who were too drunk to understand that they couldn't drive...and in return, they took someone's life...
        The idiots who still drove afterward...
To those of you that act like marriage is a recreational sport...
Thieves, liars, murderers, cheaters, outlaws, outcasts, and maniacs...
If you fit under any of these categories...I beg you to read on...

America.  The land of the free and home of the brave.  The country that everyone wants to belong to...where dreams come true.  The country that is envied worldwide.  The "powerhouse" that holds all of the worlds greatest doctors, militants, and technological advances.  Is it all that wonderful though?  Is America still this magnificent country of freedom and happiness?  Would going on a shooting spree, killing 12 and injuring 30 be considered "freedom?"  I don't want to hear about your psychological bullshit that causes people to snap...I don't want to hear it!  If anyone deserves psychological bullshit, it's ME and I turned out fine!

Do you people really think it's justified to go insane, kill a bunch of people and deal with the repercussions of it?  Are you blind?  Are you fucking insane?! 

And to all of you system abusers...I hope karma kills all of your fucking children that you collect welfare for.  Bipolar disorder isn't an illness that cripples's an excuse to be lazy.  I pray that bipolar disorder causes you to commit suicide...hell, kill your husband while you're at it...I'm sure he isn't worthy of living, either.  Welfare should disappear, disability checks should disappear, food stamps should disappear, and fuel assistance/electric assistance/subsidized housing should disappear.  You are all capable of working...I worked through some horrid, debilitating illnesses...but YOU can't work because YOU HAVE BIPOLAR DISORDER?!  Go hit the crack pipe and overdose on'll be doing society a fucking favor!

America isn't an amazing country.  As a matter of fact, I believe I'm speaking for many when I say, I'm ashamed to be an American.  I'm ashamed to tell people I belong to this clusterfuck of a society, where drugs, violence, and kids bringing guns to school is a part of our everyday society.  Every night on the news, there's a reported shooting, stabbing, pr drug bust.  Nothing is safe anymore.  When you lay your head down at night, a part of you panics on the inside..."did I lock my door?  How about the windows?"  The fear is bringing people to the point of trying to obtain licenses to carry left and right, however, what they don't realize is that guns do something to people...  No, it's not people that kill's people who have been washed with this sense of power by holding a gun that is now theirs that they can do what they wish with...Guns cause people to kill people...

Do you psycho gang bangers with your "glocks" and "gats" and" nigga this"  "nigga thats" really think you've got power in this country?  Do you really enjoy people living in fear of your stupidity?  Do you think you're scary?  Because I don't...I really think you do it because you want to feel like you can scare people.  Daddy issues?  Did daddy beat you when you were a now, instead of facing your problems, you instill them upon others, causing them to be inferior to your little gang banging, drug dealing, "too cool for school" ass?  I'm not afraid of your bullshit.  I'm not afraid of anyone's bullshit.  To me, it's all just an act.  Deep inside, there's a person hiding in every one of these "big scary bad guys" that screams help...and no I'm not saying that in the cute psychoanalysis way.  I'm saying that in the "you're a pussy" manner because you are too afraid to get up and face your stupid, mediocre problems.  Go take a hit of the crack pipe and drop dead.

All of you drunks...yes, my family and friends are pitiful.  You are nauseating with your "addiction" which in actuality, drinking is easier than facing the ridiculous problems that cripple your immature little minds.  This goes for any substance abuser.  You get everything you deserve.  When you get behind the wheel, I've instantly lost respect for you.  Especially to you people on your second and third DUI's.  The punishment of such crimes isn't harsh enough, obviously.  You're repeat offenders.  I've had to live with drunks my whole life.  I can't makes me too sick.  I'm thankful for getting sick every time I drink because the last thing I want to be known for is being "that drunk girl."  The only thing that wakes some of these drunks up is when they hit another car.  It's an awful wake up call to have to endure.  The majority of people who do kill someone else (if they don't wind up in jail first, of course) end up committing suicide.  Thank God you're killing yourselves off.  The last thing we need is more depressing news about you lousy drunks.

To all of you stupid Americans...stop thinking you're invincible, because your not.  Your "God" didn't tell you to kill anyone, you don't have to drink or do drugs.  You don't have to sell drugs and kill unborn children and touch little boys.  You don't have to collect welfare and disability and suck a few more months out of unemployment.  You choose to do these things because you feel invincible, like you deserve it.  Everyone thinks they deserve these things.  What great have you done to deserve taking someone's life...or take my hard earned money?  What could you have possibly done for society that makes you worthy of getting paid a lot to do a little work? 

I really pity my unborn children...if my generation is shaping up to be these ways (sorry, my generation is already retarded), then I don't even want to know what the generation of my children will be like...


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